Sunday, October 13, 2019





1.1    Background to the study 

The prevalence of immoral life in churches among youths cannot be overemphasized. It has grown to a level that creates fear and tension in the heart of anyone who has concern for the future of Nigeria as a nation and that of the teeming Christian populates of Nigeria. The society is grappling with many behavioral problems of the youths in the church which according to Ekundayo & Oyeniyi include “fraud, deception, intimidation, drug offences, smoking, flirting, stealing and armed robbery, violent conduct and demonstration, vandalism, examination malpractices, cultism and thuggery”.  In addition to the above listed widely publicized behavioral problems of the youths immoral life, Dotonu, stated that, heterosexual and homosexual activities are also viewed as part of the behavioral problems prevalent in some of the Nigerian churches.”  These immoral life among youth are coined in the following as sex abuse, sex offences, sexual misconduct, immorality, promiscuity and maladjustment. However, Dotonu  observed that” sex abuse and fraudulent misappropriation of money appeared to be one of the most serious and most common immorality among the youths and leaders of the churches involved in this mess”.

Morality today, it has been observed, is increasingly on the decay. Ethics as a way of ordered living which propagates ideal communal life and human relationship is speedily waning. There is concern in several quarters that at the rate immorality among the youth and its impact on the church is making waves in the society; the likely tendency is that there might be serious breakdown of law and order which might lead to anarchy. It is said that a lawless and immoral youth is prone to chaotic situation and anarchy. An ideal society is that which is devoid of violence, civil disorder, with minimal rate of crime and immoral practices cum unethical standards. This is why sound morals and ethical standard have been the concern of many social institutions in recent years. Hence, many campaigns in the society today are geared towards curbing immorality and other such vices and drama is a major instrument used by various anti-immorality and anti-corruption campaign agencies.

In Nigeria, the church has been taking one of the leading roles in the campaign against immorality. There is need for moral life among the youth. Moral, according to Webster’s Universal Dictionary and Thesaurus, is an adjectival word that is “of or related to character, particularly as regards to right from wrong. Morality has been defined as principles concerning right and wrong, good and bad behaviour. However, morality is to be seen as the right motive on which man is supposed to act, the good which one ought to follow or achieve, the discerning power or conscience with which one determines or knows right from wrong, the laws of mutual living able to yield positive action otherwise known as freedom of will.....

1.2    Statement of the Problems.

This research study examines immoral life among the Youths and its impact on the Church: using Assemblies of God Church I Bayelsa as a case study. Immoral life can be best described as a vices, a bad habit or criminal behavior, which include gambling, violence and thuggery, exam malpractice, pre-marital sex, cultism, prostitution, pornography, masturbation, lesbianism/homosexuality, drugs/substance in-take and abuse and other forms of immoral behavior. Youth engage in dangerous activities due to factors such as family conflict, poverty, absence of parents to provide love, care and affection or a result of inter-generational issues from parents. All these I believed will have  direct impact on the church.

1.3    Purpose of the Study.

The following are the objectives of this research study explore immoral life among the Youths and its impact on the Church, using Assemblies of God Church I Bayelsa as a case study.  Specifically, with the following objectives:
To examine the issues of immoral life among the Youths in the church. 
To determine the effects of immoral life among the Youths and its effects on the  church. 
To identify the factors encouraging immoral life in church. 
To examine the causes, forms, and dangers inherent in immoral life of the youth  in the church. 

1.4       Research Questions.

1.      Is there  immoral life among the Youths?

2.      Is devil, worldliness and wrong association among others the causes of immoral life among the Youths in the church?

3.      Is immorality destructive to the youth and  the church?

4.      Is  seeking the face of God for forgiveness a way forward on the issue of immorality in the church.

1.5    Significance of the Study.   

The following are the significance of this study: Outcome of this study will educate the youth of the church, explore the reasons for youth engagement in immorality and identifying the way forward out of  the issue of immoral life among the Youths. This research will also serve as a resource base to other scholars and researchers interested in carrying out further research in this field subsequently, if applied will go to an extent to provide new explanation to the topic.

1.6    Scope of the Study 

The scope of this research study is restricted to the Immoral Life among the Youths and its impact on the Church: A case study of Assemblies of God Church I Bayelsa. 

1.7    Limitation of the Study.

Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection. The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.

1.8    Definition of Terms.

Immoral: the quality or state of being  unchastity in characters and behaviour. 
Immoral life: Youth engaged themselves in vices ranging from Arm-robbery, Cultism, Political thuggery, Religious fanaticism and other nefarious activities that are detrimental to the peace of humanity.
Youth: the term can be used to refer to any young person between the ages of 18-35 years.
Impact: is an direct effect on something or somebody.
Church: a building used for public Christian worship or it can also be regarded as a place of worship where people (Christians) come together to worship, prayer and serve a supreme being called God.



This chapter review literature that are related to the research study...........



This chapter captures the methodology and procedure applied to gather relevant information for this research study. It comprises of research design, population and sampling, research instrument, validity  of the Instrument, administration of instrument and method of data collection and analysis......



The focus of this chapter is to present the findings obtained from the data collected and to discuss the analysis made out of the research questions.......



This chapter consists of summary, conclusion, recommendations and suggestions for further studies which is as follows:.…...


Format: Ms Doc
Font: Times New Roman

Font size: 12

Style of Writing: Turabian Style of Referencing. (Also available in APA Style)


US. $ 50.71



Local Transfer:

Send a Sum of FIVE THOUSAND NAIRA. NGN. N5,000

 Account Number: 2034906882

Account Name: Felix Igene


After payment, you are to send your details of payment and topic (s) to and within 24hrs. You will receive the project.

We specialised in Research in any relevant topic(s) on 

  • Project and proposal  (both on Theology{SEMINARY, BIBLE SCHOOL} and Secular {NCE, POLYTECHNIC, UNIVERSITY}, i.e. Diploma, Degree, Msc, Ph. D) 
  • Religious (topics on Theology and the Bible) 
  • History of (places, events and personalities). 
  • Well arranged and prepared term paper.
  • Book review and summary in a concise form.
  • and many more.

Call now for quality research work.


Call/Whatsapp number: +2348063432377



CEO, Dominion Computers and Research Centre, Ewu-Irrua, Edo State, Nigeria, West Africa.

FELIX IGENE  -   The Project and Research Master.


In God we Trust.


Knowledge makes the difference.
Knowledge is the most valuable treasure in all the world. You can not grow above the knowledge at your disposal. Your investment in your knowledge yesterday is the product of where you are now.  Because you are what you read, do and watch.
  1. You are what you read. A person is called a medical doctor, after he has read medical books for years, and suddenly he becomes a medical doctor. A person is also called a lawyer when he read books on law for years. In the same viel, a person who read nothing, get nothing. A person who read about death will automatically be in abondage of fear, torture and even death.......

Tuesday, October 8, 2019



1.1     Background to the study

        The Holy Spirit is one of the Three Persons of the Godhead, – a compound Unity – in the Trinity of God. God the Father is the Source of life and of all that has been divinely planned and created. He is the Originator of our salvation and our future. He is the Heavenly Administrator. God the Son is the Divine Alphabet–the "Alpha and Omega" (Rev. 1:11), the "Word" (Jn. 1:1). He reveals what the Father determines, and makes the Father's will clear. He is the exact expression of the Father (Jn. 14:9; Col. 1:15). God the Holy Spirit is the Energizer of the Word spoken by the Son. He is the Executor, the One Who brings God's plan to reality and fulfillment. The Holy Spirit was and is present at every Divine function.
        The works ascribed to the Spirit clearly demonstrate His Godhead. Creation itself is attributed to Him, no less than to the Father and the Son: "By the Spirit lie hath garnished the heavens" (Job 26: 13): "the Spirit of God hath made me" (Job 33:4). He is concerned in the work of providence (Isa. 40:13-15; Acts 16:6, 7). All Scripture is given by inspiration of God (2 Tim. 3:16), the source of which is the Spirit Himself (2 Peter 1:21). The humanity of Christ was miraculously formed by the Spirit (Matthew 1:20). Christ was anointed for His work by the Spirit (Isa. 61:1; John 3:34). His miracles were performed by the Spirit’s power (Matthew 12:3 8). He was raised from the dead by the Spirit (Rom. 8:11). Who but a Divine person could have wrought such works as these!? Jesus passionately describes to his disciples that it is essential that He goes so He can send the Holy Spirit into our hearts. Until recently I have never understood this verse at all. Why is it so important for the Holy Spirit to come into our hearts? I will be looking at the ministry of the Holy Spirit. (John 16:7).
The work of the Holy Spirit is vital to the revitalization of a church. The entire process of revitalization is based on seeking spiritual health prayer and the energizing work of the Holy Spirit. Without the presence of the Holy Spirit at work in the life and ministry of a church all efforts are in vain. A church may experience numerical gains in attendance, but without the ministry of the Holy Spirit the church will not experience redemptive, Kingdom of God growth.  The work of the Holy Spirit on the growth of the church can be compared to the human body......

1.2     Statement of the Problems.
           God cannot bless a toxic church climate. A proper climate for growth is the work of the Holy Spirit in response to the leaders in the church practicing and modeling Biblical qualities. Unhealthy churches are filled with conflicts, spiritual carnality, leaders who are more interested in control than allowing the Holy Spirit to lead. The focus of toxic churches is inward. They are ingrown, lack vision, lack passion for souls, are comfortable, apathetic and satisfied to play church. Unhealthy churches are characterized by a deadly diseases. Therefore, this project is stand to correct this issues.

  1.3 Purpose of the Study.
        The purpose of the research study is to determine the importance of the Holy Spirit on the Growth of the Church using Abuja East District of Assemblies of God, Nigeria as a case study. Specifically, the following objectives.
 1. To explore the person, nature and importance of the Holy Spirit on the growth of the church.
2. To know the essential role played by the Holy Spirit on the growth of the church.
3. To outline the restrictive nature and manifestation of the Holy Spirit on the growth of the church.
4. To proffers possible solution to these restriction of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit encountered in growing a church.

1.4 Research Questions.
    What are the nature and  importance of the Holy Spirit on the growth of the church?
    What are the essential role played by the Holy Spirit on church growth in Abuja East District?
     What restrictive nature and manifestation of the Holy Spirit can be outlined in the growth of the church in Abuja East District of Assemblies of God Nigeria?
    What possible solutions to be proffered to restrictions of the Holy Spirit in church growth in Abuja East District of Assemblies of God Nigeria?

1.5    Significance of the Study.

        Spiritual health and renewal are possible when we begin to seek the Lord with all our heart and allow the Holy Spirit to give us His vision and energize us as His leaders in the church. When we get out of the way and permit the Holy Spirit to lead, we can follow His vision for the church. Jesus is the Lord of the Church and he alone deserves the glory for the great things He is doing. A healthy, Spirit-filled local congregation grows naturally. This research study will be of immense resource material to theologians, church leaders, ministers of the gospel, christian and non- christian alike.
1.6     Scope of the Study.
        The scope of the research study is limited in scope to The importance of the Holy Spirit on the Growth of the Church: a case study of Abuja East District of Assemblies of God, Nigeria.

1.7     Limitation of the Study.
           Time constraint- The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work. Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection ( questionnaire and interview).

1.8 Definition of Terms.

the state or fact of being of great significance or value.
Holy Spirit:  the Holy Spirit is a divine person, the third person in the trinity, a being with a mind, emotions, and a will.
Growth: the state or stage of advancing from one level to the other.
Church: is a place where Christians come together to worship, prayer and serve God.......



This chapter review literature that are related to the research study...........



This chapter captures the methodology and procedure applied to gather relevant information for this research study. It comprises of research design, population and sampling, research instrument, validity  of the Instrument, administration of instrument and method of data collection and analysis......



The focus of this chapter is to present the findings obtained from the data collected and to discuss the analysis made out of the research questions.......



This chapter consists of summary, conclusion, recommendations and suggestions for further studies which is as follows:.…...


Format: Ms Doc
Font: Times New Roman

Font size: 12

Style of Writing: Turabian Style of Referencing. (Also available in APA Style)


US. $ 50.71



Local Transfer:

Send a Sum of FIVE THOUSAND NAIRA. NGN. N5,000

 Account Number: 2034906882

Account Name: Felix Igene


After payment, you are to send your details of payment and topic (s) to and within 24hrs. You will receive the project.

We specialised in Research in any relevant topic(s) on 

  • Project and proposal  (both on Theology{SEMINARY, BIBLE SCHOOL} and Secular {NCE, POLYTECHNIC, UNIVERSITY}, i.e. Diploma, Degree, Msc, Ph. D) 
  • Religious (topics on Theology and the Bible) 
  • History of (places, events and personalities). 
  • Well arranged and prepared term paper.
  • Book review and summary in a concise form.
  • and many more.

Call now for quality research work.


Call/Whatsapp number: +2348063432377



CEO, Dominion Computers and Research Centre, Ewu-Irrua, Edo State, Nigeria, West Africa.

FELIX IGENE  -   The Project and Research Master.


In God we Trust.