Saturday, November 2, 2019



This chapter will look at the background of the study, statement of the problem, research questions and other sub-topics below.

1.1    Background to the Study
        A spiritual gift is a God-given ability, distributed to individual Christians by the Holy Spirit that allows him/or her to work through their lives to help the church execute its mission on earth. Spiritual gifts are abilities God gives the believer for the purpose of service. They are not human talents. Human talents are inadequate to do the work of God. Spiritual gifts are either supernatural abilities that God has bestowed on individuals, or God-given natural abilities that function through the direction of the Holy Spirit. Gifts such as miracles, tongues, healing, and prophecy are supernatural in origin. Other spiritual gifts, such as teaching, administration, and helps, are God-given abilities to perform a particular role in Gods program. Though nonbelievers may have the same abilities, they do not function under the direction of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit takes these God-given abilities and uses them for His purposes in the lives of believers. Therefore, the gifts of the Spirit are abilities, either natural or supernatural, given by God for the work of the ministry. Using spiritual gifts is often closer than you think when you do not think about what is “great.”...
        The presence and practice of spiritual gifts  in the church has also been with us at least since the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The 1st century church in Corinth attests to this reality, as is clear from Paul's cautions in 1 Corinthians 12-14. Also clear from these chapters and from church history is the fact that this topic has often been the subject of theological debate. While much of the modern literature has focused on definitions and the biblical use of these gifts, the reality of their presence in the church and mission - at least to some extent - and their importance for Christian believers cannot be debated.

1.2    Statement of the Problem.
        It breaks my heart that the spiritual gifts don't seem to be taught or emphasized much throughout Christendom these days. Their utilization is critical for the Church to function properly in society. In churches today, people are given to I don’t care attitude toward the things of God and his kingdom.
Spiritual gifts are a source of much controversy and confusion among believers. This is a sad commentary, as these gifts are meant to be graces from God for the edification of the church. Even today, as in the early church, the misuse and misunderstanding of spiritual gifts can bring division in the church. This resource seeks to avoid the controversies and simply explore what the Bible says about spiritual gifts.

1.3    Purpose of the Study.
        The main purpose of this study is to examine the Importance Of Spiritual Gift Upon Members And It’s Effects On Church Growth – A Case Study Of Assemblies Of God, Esan District”.
A spiritual gift is a God-given talent or ability, given to select Christians by the Holy Spirit that allows him or her to do service in their lives to benefit the church perform its mission on earth. From scriptural passages, Christians understand the spiritual gifts to be abilities or skills that are divinely provided in individuals. The purpose of the spiritual gifts is to build up, inspire, and support the church.
Other specific purposes are to:
Ascertain the efficacy of spiritual gift to grow a church?
Investigate whether Spiritual Gifts can be misused among members in the church?
Examine whether some Spiritual Gifts are more important than others among members?
Examine whether spiritual gifts  can be lost in the church today among members?

1.4    Research Questions.
Do you Agree in the efficacy of spiritual gift to grow a church?
Can Spiritual Gifts be misused among members in the church?
Are some Spiritual Gifts more important than others among members?
Can spiritual gifts be lost in the church today among members?

1.5    Significance of the Study.  
        It’s our responsibility to not only know our gifts but to use our gifts to strengthen the Body of Christ. Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:6-7, “Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” We cannot let fear paralyze us – we must stir up and develop the gifts God has given us for His glory and for the benefit of His Body. Then we must step out and operate in our gifts.
God expects each of us to do our part. Ephesians 4:16b says, “by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.” When we each participate by functioning in our unique gifts, the result is growth, for us and for the church. As we can see, functioning in our gifts and talents is vital for church growth and unity. God receives glory when we operate in our gifts, and people in the church also benefit. Yet we must remember to keep the right attitudes about our gifts and celebrate the diversity in God’s Body too. Therefore, this study will be of immense benefits to a Reverends, Pastors, Christians, church leaders, researchers among others.
1.6    Limitation of the Study
        Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection ( questionnaire and interview). Time constraint- The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.

1.7    Delimitation of the Study.
        The scope of the study is limited to Esan District  of Assemblies of God Church Nigeria, with a more specific area of study, which is on the importance of spiritual gift upon members and it’s effects on church growth – a case study of Assemblies of God, Esan District.

1.8    Definition of Terms.
        Importance: the state or fact of being of great significance or value.
Spiritual Gift:  Gifts Connected with the Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Members: Belonging, either individually or collectively, to a group.
Effect: a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.
Church Growth: is a movement within evangelical Christianity which focuses on developing methods to grow churches based on business marketing strategies.



This chapter review literature that are related to the research study...........



This chapter captures the methodology and procedure applied to gather relevant information for this research study. It comprises of research design, population and sampling, research instrument, validity  of the Instrument, administration of instrument and method of data collection and analysis......



The focus of this chapter is to present the findings obtained from the data collected and to discuss the analysis made out of the research questions.......



This chapter consists of summary, conclusion, recommendations and suggestions for further studies which is as follows:.…...


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