Thursday, November 21, 2019



1) Your brain, worth and capacity in life is a sum total of what you read, study, do and watch.
2) Life will give back to you what you are willing to put into life.
3) Your character will either make you or break you.
4) Knowledge is the most valuable treasure in the entire world. The more you know the better you become. You cannot grow above your knowledge.
5) Responsibility, discipline, commitment, dedication is the price for greatness in life.
6) A man is not worth living, if he has nothing to live and die for.
7) If you fail in life, is your fault, if you succeed in life is your fault, you have no one to blame.
8) No short cut to success (because short cut leads to cut in life.)
9) No substitute to hard work in life and no future for an idle person.
10) If you sit to study, read and think productively, you will rise to
lead, inspire and elevate people to their destiny and greatness in life.
11) Failure in life is only a stepping stone to another level, that is, failure is a step back for a higher jump in life.
12) The day you stop reading studying thinking productively, you start dying.
13) A man without a vision (insight into the future), mission (the reason for living) and goals (where you should be) and plans (step by step process to achieve it) is not a candidate of success.
14) Your time is your life, stop wasting time, and invest it wisely by judicious use.
15) Wasting time in life is directly wasting your life.
16) Love is blind marriage will open your eyes.
17) As a single if you want to know why Adam ate the forbidden fruit, go and marry you will know.
18) If you think you will succeed, or think you will fail or remain in your present situation, or think you will be rich or poor in life, you are very correct, so you will be.
19) Where you are now is as a result of your yesterday's input into your life, and your today will determine tomorrow.
20) Seek to know and don't seek to be known.
21) The level or situation you are presently is as a result of the seed in the past you have sown (whether good or bad) is what you a reaping now.
22) Everybody in life is very important whether the person is a madman, poor, illiterate, less privilege, non church members, unbelievers among others are all very important to God.
23) After your years of going to church, giving offering, tithe, and high position in church and you still go to hell because of one little sin... Think about it, and be good.
24) This world is a small world, be good to all, because nobody knows what the next minute holds and will be.

All qoutes are from Felix Igene.

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