Tuesday, November 19, 2019


1.1       Background of the study
This research study examine the importance of the Holy Ghost Baptism on the Evangelistic Strategy:The Holy Ghost Baptism is not only important but essential to life. While the coming of Christ was to save us, the coming of the Holy Ghost is to empower us to live the life that God has created us for. Without the Holy Ghost, our lives have very little meaning. Evangelism is the presentation of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit so that others may come to put their trust in God through Him, accepting him as their Savior and serving him as their Lord.[1]  The word Evangelism comes from the Greek noun “euangelion” which means gospel or good news.  The verb form of the word is “euangelizesthai” which means to preach the gospel  or to tell good news.  A related Greek word is marturein which means to bear witness... 
The term baptism with the Holy Spirit originates in the New Testament, and all Christian traditions accept it as a theological concept. Nevertheless, different Christian denominations and traditions have interpreted its meaning in a variety of ways due to differences in the doctrines of salvation and ecclesiology. As a result, Spirit baptism has been variously defined as part of the sacraments of initiation into the church, as being synonymous with regeneration, as being synonymous with Christian perfection, or as being a second work of grace that empowers a person for Christian life and service. [3]....

1.2          Statement of the Problem.
The lack of baptism of the Holy Ghost in the life of the evangelist, has made the operation of his strategies strainous. As a spiritual agent, he is suppose to strategies through divine help and direction. The evangelist in Akoko rely on their own human effort to carry on divine assignment, which is frustrating. The evangelist in Akoko need the operation and the manifestation of the Holy Ghost in evangelic strategy it is therefore necessary to investigate how Akoko church leads in evangelism and why the church is stagnant, using Assemblies of God Church, Akoko as a case study.
1.3          Purpose of the Study.
The purpose of the research study is to determine the Holy Ghost Baptism on the Evangelistic Strategy: A Case Study of Assemblies of God Church Akoko.   Therefore, the purpose of the study are; (1) It shall explore the importance of the Holy Ghost Baptism in the life of the evangelist, and (2) to know the essential role played by the Holy Ghost in evangelism strategy, (3) outline the restrictive nature and manifestation of the Holy Ghost facing the Evangelist, (4) proffer  possible solutions  to these restrictions of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit as encountered by the evangelist, and  work out modalities to salvage the short coming of the manifestation and impart of the Holy Ghost on evangelism strategy in Assemblies of God.
1.4          Research Questions.
  1. What importance is there to be baptized with Holy Spirit before going out for Evangelism in Assemblies of God church Akoko?
  2. Has there any essential Roles of the Evangelist and the Evangelism strategy with H.SP. Influence?
  3. Are there some possible modalities to be derived to key into evangelism strategy through H.SP. Baptism?
  4. Is the Holy Spirit important to evangelism strategy?
1.5              Significance of the Study.    
This research study will unveil the important place, role, impact and the multifaceted manifestations of the Holy Ghost baptism on evangelism strategy, which will be of immense and a resource material to researchers, theologians, church leaders and Christian alike.
1.      Unveil important place of Holy Ghost Baptism in the life of the Evangelist.
2.      The Role of Holy Ghost Baptism in Evangelism.
3.      The impact Holy Ghost Baptism in the Evangelist’s missionary strategy.
4.      Added information to research in Evangelism strategy through Holy Spirit.
1.6       Limitation of the Study.
1. Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (questionnaire and interview).
2. Time constraint- The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.
1.7       Delimitation of the Study.
The scope of the research study will be limited to the importance of the Holy Ghost Baptism on the Evangelistic Strategy: a case study of Assemblies of God Church and some selected churches in Akoko, Ondo state will be used for the study.
1.8       Operational Definition of Terms.
Importance:   the state or fact of being of great significance or value.
Holy Ghost:  the Holy Ghost is a divine person, the third person in the trinity, a being with a mind, emotions, and a will.
Baptism: Baptism refers to a person's being submerged in water and coming up out of it. * That explains why Jesus was baptized in a sizable river.
Evangelistic: seeking to convert others to the Christian faith; missionary.
Strategy: a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.



This chapter review literature that are related to the research study...........



This chapter captures the methodology and procedure applied to gather relevant information for this research study. It comprises of research design, population and sampling, research instrument, validity  of the Instrument, administration of instrument and method of data collection and analysis......



The focus of this chapter is to present the findings obtained from the data collected and to discuss the analysis made out of the research questions.......



This chapter consists of summary, conclusion, recommendations and suggestions for further studies which is as follows:.…...


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