Saturday, November 2, 2019


1.1    Background to the Study
        Christian teaching upholds a philosophy that presupposes the knowledge of God’s word, the source of all truth and the starting point of all knowledge. The goal of a Christian teaching is to honor and glorify God and to produce reflective, responsible students who have the character and mind of Christ. These goals are transmitted through the words and lives of the knowledgeable and dedicated teacher, who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and integrates Biblical truth into each subject area. Christian teaching is also to understands that, the Bible merits our full attention because it is God's Word, inspired, inerrant, infallible, and preserved for us as believers, learners, and educators, holding the final answers to the most compelling questions. But inadequate Christian teaching method can hinder the growth to youth moral life.
        The prevalence of moral growth among youths cannot be overemphasized. It has grown to a level that creates fear and tension in the heart of anyone who has concern for the future of Nigeria as a nation and that of the teeming Christian populates of Nigeria. The society is grappling with many behavioral problems of the youths in the church which according to Oyeniyi (2006),  they include  “ youth vices,  which are fraud, deception, intimidation, drug offences, smoking, flirting, stealing and armed robbery, violent conduct and demonstration, vandalism, examination malpractices, cultism and thuggery.  In addition to the above listed widely publicized behavioral problems of the youths immoral life, according to Dotonu, (2011),  stated “that heterosexual and homosexual activities are also viewed as part of the behavioral problems prevalent in some of the Nigerian churches.”...
1.2    Statement of the Problem.
One of the major problem affecting the moral growth of youths is in educate Christian teaching methods. Bad moral behavior among youths despond’s on the largely geniality of pedagogical methods adopted by the Christian church Despite the various Christian education method employed by the church in Abakiliki Distract of Assemblies of God church, much has not been  accomplished in terms of good moral growth among youths. Immoral actuates such, fornication, smoking, dealing, disobedient to parents and other evil vice is still on the increase. The questions that border the minds of the church, is what kinds of Christian education method can extinguished these evil tendency? The present research is very optimistic; that of the right Christian education method is adopted in educating the youths, poor moral behavior, will be reduced chaotically. Hence the read for this research study.             
1.3    Purpose of the Study.
    This study explore the inadequate Christian teaching method that hinder the growth of youths.  Specifically, the study will ascertain:
1).    The adequacy of Christian teaching method in advancing the youth moral growth.
2).     The effects of Christian teaching method on the youth moral growth.
3).     The destructive impact of inadequate Christian teaching method  on the youth moral growth.
4).    Examine ways Christian teaching method can employ in advancing the growth of youth moral life.
1.4    Research Questions.
This study seek to find an answer to the fellowship questions.
What  Christian teaching method adequate in advancing the youth moral growth?
What are the effects of Christian teaching method felt or seen in the youth moral growth?
Does  inadequate Christian teaching method  have destructive impact on the youth moral growth?
What are the ways Christian teaching method can employ in advancing the growth of youths moral life?
1.5    Significance of the Study.  
This research will be of immense resource materials to youth, Christians,  Ministers of the gospel, theologians and to researchers.
To the youth, it will create in them a sense of moral values and commitment to the pursuit of excellence in life. To the Christian, it will motivate them to be attentive to Christian teaching method as a key to youth moral growth. To the Ministers of the Gospel, it will increase their capacity to be effective is delivery their teaching obligations to the youth and to the theologians, it increase their perspective on  ways to improve their skill on how to motivate teaching to enhance youth moral life and to the researchers, it will serve as a resource base to other scholars and researchers that are interested in carrying out further research in this field subsequently.
1.6    Scope of the Study
The scope of this study is limited to inadequate Christian teaching method: hindrance to youth moral growth.
1.7    Limitation of the Study.
Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection. The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.
1.8    Definition of Terms.
Inadequate: something that is not enough or measure up to standard.
Christian: a person who follows Christ, or Christ-like in nature.
Teaching method: it’s an instructional aid to learning.
Hindrance: something that causes a limitation or obstacles to other things.
Youth: the term can be used to refer to any young person between the ages of 18-35 years.
Moral: the quality or state of being  upright in  characters and behaviour.
Growth: a stage to development or advancement.



This chapter review literature that are related to the research study...........



This chapter captures the methodology and procedure applied to gather relevant information for this research study. It comprises of research design, population and sampling, research instrument, validity  of the Instrument, administration of instrument and method of data collection and analysis......



The focus of this chapter is to present the findings obtained from the data collected and to discuss the analysis made out of the research questions.......



This chapter consists of summary, conclusion, recommendations and suggestions for further studies which is as follows:.…...


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