Friday, January 8, 2021





1.1       Background to the Study.

This study is on the evaluation of pastoral ethics in the church. Pastors are called by God to proclaim the Word, provide visionary leadership and nurture spiritual growth for the flock under their care. However, all of these tasks would be tarnished and discredited if they are not undergirded with ethical behavior and Christ-like character.

Mott Steven is of the perspective that, pastors are obligated to live by a specific conduct of pastoral ethics.[1] An understanding of these basic principles will help you in your pastor search. You will be able to ask better questions about a candidate's character and history. And you will be able to show the candidate exactly what you expect of him if he is hired.

According to Wikipedia, ethics means "studying and analyzing right from wrong." Pastoral ethics is a basic standard of conduct which determines what is appropriate, acceptable, and expected of a pastor both in his personal and professional life....

1.2       Statement of the Problem.   

            The topography of pastoral ethics has been described as "an era of confession without commitment".[4] Many claim to be Christians but show no evidence of commitment to Christ. Consequently, important qualifications for the pastorate such as spiritual maturity, a clear conscience, personal integrity and moral character are being jettisoned in favour of self-glorification and the acquisition of material wealth. This situation has serious consequences for the flock, for pastors, and for the power of the gospel.

Many who are engaged in the pastoral ministry today are impoverished in the biblical grounding for the ministry. They lack adequate biblical knowledge of the nature and function of the pastoral office. As Thomas Oden warns, "It is dangerous to the health of the church for ministry to be practiced without good foundation in Scripture and tradition, reason and experience."[5].....

1.3       Purpose of the Study

This study examine the evaluation of Pastoral ethics in the church:  a case study of Assemblies of God Church, Esan District, Edo State. Other specific purpose will be to explore the concept of pastoral ethics; to examine the discrepancies of Pastoral ethics in Assemblies of God, especially in Esan District; to ascertain the impediment to pastoral ethics in the church, mostly in Esan District and to explore the numerous benefits of pastoral ethics in the church, mostly in Esan District.

1.4       Research Questions  

1.    Do you believe in the concept of Pastoral ethics?

2.    What are the discrepancies of Pastoral ethics in Assemblies of God, especially in Esan District?

3.    Are there impediment to Pastoral ethics in the church, mostly in Esan District?

4.    What are the numerous benefits of Pastoral ethics in the church, mostly in Esan District?

1.5       Significance of the Study.    

This research study is of immense benefit to ministers of the gospel and ministry, Christian Leaders, theologians, researchers because it will examine the discrimination on female ministers in Assemblies of God church Nigeria: Edo District as a case study.

            To the ministers of the gospel and ministry, it will increase their knowledge on the process and act on how pastoral ethics is evaluated for effective performance in ministry. To the Christian Leadership, it will unveil to them how to inculcate pastoral morals and ethic to their pastor and for a profitable ministry. To the theologians, it will increase their perspective and knowledge on how pastoral ethics is evaluated in the ministry. And to the researchers, it will create a platform for going into further studies on pastoral ethics.

1.6       Delimitation of the study.

The delimitation of the study was centered and limited to the evaluation of Pastoral ethics in the church:  a case study of Assemblies of God Church, Esan District, Edo State. Esan District covers the Edo Central Senatorial Districts of Edo State made up of the five local government area of Esan land which are, Esan West, Esan central, Esan North east, Esan South east and Igueben.

1.7       Research Procedure

            This research was carried out in selected churches in Assemblies of God, Esan District in Edo State.  The study employ the use of descriptive survey design which incorporates the case study approach. The researcher designed questionnaires and oral interviews that was administered to respondents through a field work in this study. Data was collected and analyzed to the evaluation of Pastoral ethics in the church.

1.8       Definition of Terms.

Evaluation: to determination of the value, nature, character, or quality of something or someone.

Pastor: a minister in charge of a Christian church or congregation, especially one person saddle with the responsibilities of teaching the word, praying and leading worshippers in service to God in the church.

Ethics: The principles of conduct governing an individual or profession: standards of behaviour or the conducting of an activity.

Pastoral Ethics: Pastoral ethics are....

Church: The church is not a building or a denomination....



This chapter review literature that are related to the research study...........



This chapter captures the methodology and procedure applied to gather relevant information for this research study. It comprises of research design, population and sampling, research instrument, validity of the Instrument, administration of instrument and method of data collection and analysis......





The focus of this chapter is to present the findings obtained from the data collected and to discuss the analysis made out of the research questions.......



This chapter consists of summary, conclusion, recommendations and suggestions for further studies which is as follows:.…...

[1]Mott Steven.  Biblical Ethics and Social Change (Second ed.).(New York: Oxford University Press,2011), 84.


[2]Parker I. Maxey. A Guide to Ministerial Ethics and Etiquette. WATS Publication, Lagos. 2017


[3]John A. Toews, People of the Way. (Winnipeg: Christian Press, 1981), 74


[4] Berekiah David O.  The Deuteronomist's Perspective on the Effects of the Corruption of Worship on the Israelite Society: A Lesson for the Contemporary Nigerian Society", (2007),  57.

[5]Thomas C. Oden. Pastoral Theology: Essentials of Ministry (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1983), 5.


[6]Matthew Michael. Christian Theology and African Traditions (Eugene, Oregon: Resource Publications, 2013), 63.

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