Friday, January 8, 2021





1.1       Background to the Study.

Many factors have combined to affect marriage institutions thus causing many problems which both young and old married couples must contend with. Many marriages have been and some are still seriously at war with themselves simply because of their failure to arrest, manage or resolve conflicting issues between couples or families. Many marriages are going through a lot of stress and hardships as a result of marital conflicts.

The wife’s favorite teaching method seems to be nagging, assisted by occasional ridicule, and, if necessary, by a periodic outburst of tears. The husband’s favorite teaching method seems to be the dig, that is, the cutting comment or sarcastic remark. He may also use an occasional angry lecture, interspersed with long periods of withdrawal and silence. Two sinful self-wills, each of which is torn between love of self and love of mate, are now interacting with each other and testing each other’s right to self-determination, with each seeking supremacy in the relationship. The result is conflict.

At the heart of every conflict is self. Most people blame their conflicts on their circumstances: the unacceptable job, the small house, the fussy children, the poor neighborhood, the lack of money, the interfering in-laws. But the true problem is that the human ego wants unrestrained freedom to do as it pleases, expecting at the same time the unqualified approval of its mate. In other words, it wants to be the sun around which its mate orbits as a devoted planet. If two such stars would vie for centrality in the same solar system, the results would be chaotic—but that is exactly what has happened in many marriages.

Sometimes young people are in a hurry to get married, often to escape an unpleasant situation at home. The real problem is not usually their home or their parents, however. It is their own sinful egos, and they invariably take them along with them when they get married. This ego begins to interact with another selfish ego, and the previous home problems are eclipsed by the new marital ones.  God wants us to learn how to deal with our old sin natures. Then we will be ready to interact happily with a partner in marriage....

Marriage is a relationship where trust is built over time as committed couples set aside their own interests for the good of their partner and develop skills for keeping the relationship positive and open. This study therefore examine Marital Conflicts in Contemporary church: Assemblies of God Edo District as a Case Study...

1.2       Statement of the Problem

This study explores the problems confronting marital life. Increasingly, it seems Christians also are struggling to hold their marriages together.  Today in the churches, it is heard  and seen Christian men and women are extramarital affairs having affairs and abandoning their marriages; Christian couples separating because of deep-rooted tensions in their marriage; even pastors and elders are walking out or giving up on their marriage.

1.3       Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to examine marital conflicts in contemporary church: Assemblies of God Edo District as a case study. It shall examine the concept and perception of marital conflicts, ascertain the major causes of marital conflicts in contemporary church, find the implications of marital conflicts in contemporary church today and investigate how marital conflicts can be managed effectively in contemporary church.

1.4       Significance of the Study

The study will examine the concept of marital conflict, the causes of marital conflicts, effects and prospects in contemporary church. The study will be of immense benefit to married couples, singles, Christian ministers, members of the church, and researchers.

   If the solutions /Tips suggested in this study are adherd to the married couples, it will remove every form of conflicts in their home and enlighten them on ways to resolve eventual conflict. To the singles, it will broaden their knowledge on the concept of marital conflict and how to handle it. To the Christians ministers, it will increase their perspective and knowledge on how to resolve marital conflict in the church. To the church members, it will broaden their perception on conflict and manners to resolve it. And to the researchers, it will create a platform for going into further studying on marital conflict and it will also be a resource material to them.

1.5       Research Questions

This research seeks to provide answers to the following questions:

1.      What are your perceptions of marital conflicts?

2.      What are the major causes of marital conflicts?

3.      What are the implications of marital conflicts?

4.      How can marital conflicts be managed effectively in contemporary church?

1.6       Delimitation of the Study

This study will be limited to marital conflicts in contemporary church: Assemblies of God Edo District as a case study. The District covers Egor, Ovia North  West, Ovia South East and Oredo Local Government Area of Edo state. Edo District has a total population of about 15,000 members.

1.7       Research Procedure

This research will be carried out in Assemblies of God Edo District in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. The study will use library and field investigation which incorporates the case study approach. Questionnaires, interviews will be administered in this study. Data will be collected and analyzed to measure the effects of marital conflict in contemporary church.

1.8       Definition of Terms

Marital: Simply means marriage, wedding or matrimonial union between a man and a woman.

Conflicts: an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principle.

Contemporary: existing, occurring, or living at the same time; belonging to the same time

Church: a building used for public Christian worship or it can also be regarded as a place of worship where people (Christians) come together to worship, pray and serve a supreme being called God.



This chapter review literature that are related to the research study...........



This chapter captures the methodology and procedure applied to gather relevant information for this research study. It comprises of research design, population and sampling, research instrument, validity of the Instrument, administration of instrument and method of data collection and analysis......





The focus of this chapter is to present the findings obtained from the data collected and to discuss the analysis made out of the research questions.......



This chapter consists of summary, conclusion, recommendations and suggestions for further studies which is as follows:.…...


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