Sunday, July 30, 2023





1.1       Background to the Study.

This study examined Tithing in the Church: A Case Study Assemblies of God Church, Asaba Central Section, Anioma District. Tithing in the Bible is first mentioned in the book of Genesis. Today, denominations religion use the word to more generally refer to any offering, however great or small; nevertheless, the commandment to pay a full 10 percent tithe is still in effect. Tithing teaches important principles such as obedience, self-discipline, and sacrifice. It demonstrates love for God and others. Tithing is the spiritual practice of giving back to God the first 10% of all that one earns. The word “tithe” comes from the number "ten" in Hebrew, and means a tenth. The intent of tithing is to teach people, always to put God first in their lives. So simply put, for every N100 earned or received, ten percent belongs to the Lord. Tithing and giving money to the church are an important subjects to understand for followers of Jesus.

Understanding the concept of tithing can unlock a key for spiritual growth in a person’s life. Tithing can be a source of joy and freedom... 

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Tithing is often a misunderstood spiritual concept in the church. One can find Christian teachings all over the map when it comes to tithe. Some peoples’ opinion are that tithing is just an Old Testament principle that doesn’t apply to the new covenant Christians today. On the other extreme there are people that say God punishes people today who don’t tithe. The researcher have actually heard sermons where preachers said things like, “If a person does not tithe God will take it from them in form of doctor’s bills and car repairs.” Some end effects of not paying tithe in church is that,... 

1.3       Purpose of the Study

This study examined Tithing in the Church: A Case Study of Assemblies of God Church, Asaba Central Section, Anioma District. Specifically, the study sought to ascertain the concepts of tithing, forms of tithing, challenges of tithing in the church, measures to overcome the challenges of tithing and the implications of tithing in the church.                

1.4       Research Questions  

1.         What is Tithing?

2.         What are the forms of Tithing?

3.         What are the challenges of Tithing in the church?

4.         What are the measures to overcome the challenges of Tithing?

5.         What are the implications of Tithing in the church?

1.5       Significance of the Study.

This study is of immense benefit to ministers of the gospel, church leaders, members of the church, theologians and researchers.

Ministers of the gospel will have a better understanding of tithing and how to apply the same to enhance their lives and teachings. Church leaders will have a working knowledge of tithing and how they can apply it to receive the blessings. Members of the church will understand the subject of tithing and how to use it for their benefits and profits. Theologians will have a solid biblical knowledge of tithe and how they can transfer the same knowledge to others. The research will assist other researchers in conducting researches in similar areas of the study.

1.6       Research Procedure

This study employed the use of library and field investigations. Data were collected through questionnaire and oral interviews that was distributed to respondents in Assemblies of God Church, Asaba Central Section, Anioma District for the purpose of gathering information through prepared questions and examined for true representation. The research study was predominantly library, internet and field investigations. This research was conducted to achieve the goals and objective of this research study.

1.7       Delimitation of the Study

This study is limited to Tithing in the Church: A Case Study Assemblies of God Church, Asaba Central Section, Anioma District. Asaba Central Section, Anioma District has 6 Pastor; 2 Reverends and 3 Pastors and 1 Student Pastor. It has 490 Membership.

1.8       Definition of Terms

Tithing: The word tithe means “a tenth part.” Tithing is a donation, or offering, of one-tenth of one’s income for the service of God.

Church: is a place where Christians assemble together to reverence, pray and worship God among others.

Christian: is a people who follow the example or footstep of Jesus Christ belief and practices.




This chapter review literatures that would provide the necessary facts and information on tithing in the church. Books such as on tithing were used to carry out this studies.



This chapter captures the methodology and procedure applied to gather relevant information for this research study. It comprises of research design, population and sampling, research instrument, validity of the Instrument, administration of instrument and method of data collection and analysis......





The focus of this chapter is to present the findings obtained from the data collected and to discuss the analysis made out of the research questions.......




This chapter consists of summary, conclusion, recommendations and suggestions for further studies which is as follows:.…...



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